Good morning: but what can I say, as far as the bags are concerned they are fantastic, well cared for in every detail, explaining all the details would take a day, you have to buy it, it is an exceptional product. Fast delivery in the established times. Now let's talk about the ENDURRAD staff. Professional, explaining the product in all its details, welcoming to the point of being at home, polite, very nice, professional, with high quality products. Thanks again to everyone.
PIKE TRACKER Aluminum Cases
Excellent product
Wanderer suitcases are an excellent product. Although I had already seen them at the fair and noticed how well made they were, the quality, once they arrived and were assembled, was even better than I remembered. The product is finished in the smallest details and every detail is taken care of. Highly recommended product. To all this we must add the super assistance received both pre and post purchase. Top!
Wanderer Semi-Rigid Suitcases
Andrea Menghini
Black aluminum suitcases
Beautiful, roomy, sturdy. Lined interior. To be purchased without hesitation…The customer service is excellent. The My thanks go to Giuseppe who assisted me in the purchase.
Aluminum Cases for BMW GS
Gianandrea Baruzzi
Nice product
Great product the Endurrad Additional Bags
Additional Bags for BMW GS Cases
Alessio Ogliaroro
Passenger Mud Flaps
Great product and easy to install. They are very beautiful aesthetically but above all functional. I tested them during a rainy day and for the first time the passenger did not get his shoes wet. In my opinion these are the little touches that make the bike more and more comfortable. Highly recommended!!!!!